About Me
I’m a third-year journalism student with a passion for travelling and exploring new cultures. Immersing myself in different perspectives inspires my creativity and fuels my curiosity about the world.
I chose to study journalism because it perfectly blends creativity with in-depth research. Whether I’m developing original ideas or delving into meaningful stories, I find joy in bringing important narratives to life and sharing them in a way that resonates with others.
For me, journalism is more than just reporting. It’s a powerful tool to entertain, empower, and shed light on experiences that are often overlooked. I aspire to tell stories that resonate deeply with readers and create meaningful change.
While I’m still figuring out which direction within journalism I’d like to pursue, I’m excited by the possibilities. Whether it’s broadcast or written features, I’m eager to experiment with different forms of journalism and find where my skills and passions align.
This blog is a space for me to document my journey, reflect on my growth, and share insights along the way. I’m looking forward to what the future holds and am excited to see where this path will take me.
- Utku Huseyin